"The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go.” - Dr. Seuss
For infants, the most important part of vision is ensuring that there is nothing impeding normal development. Eye conditions such as congenital cataracts, eye turns, retinal abnormalities and high prescriptions can lead to 'lazy eye' or permanent vision issues. The doctors at Las Posas Eyecare participate in InfantSee a program founded by Jimmy Carter to provide free eye exams for infants before the age of 1 year. Your child may be dilated during this exam.
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Contrary to popular belief, a child can be 20/20 in the distance but suffer from motor issues that decrease the desire to read for extended periods of time. A large part of learning deficiencies occur due to undetected visual issues such as poor eye motor skills, far-farsightedness and color vision deficiencies. Ages 1-4 are some of the most critical for learning and development. To prepare for your child's examination, we ask for a history of any developmental concerns and in addition, to prepare for the high likelihood of a dilated examination. A dilation in a toddler allows the doctor to determine issues of the eyes completely objectively including determining if there are any hidden prescription issues that might lead to lazy eye.
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After the age of 7, examinations for most children will now follow the same protocols as a general adult comprehensive exam with the addition of color vision testing and 3D-Depth perception analysis. As children approach the teen years, vision will especially be more prone to shift as they hit their growth spurts. Routine examinations are important to ensure that they continue to see their best at school and with all their activities.
Contact lens technology has evolved greatly over the past decade. For children, contact lenses are now becoming a great option as they are healthier and safer than ever. Determining the right age to start contacts depends on the maturity of the child and the comfort that the parent will have regarding the new found responsibilities. While contacts are safe, improper usage can still cause complications. As such, a discussion of the right age will be assessed with the doctor, parents and the patient to ensure safety.