Virtual Frame Fitting

Virtual Frame Fitting

Virtual Frame Fitting

Virtual Frame Fitting

Virtual Frame Fitting

Virtual Frame Fitting

Virtual Frame Fitting

Finding the perfect frame

There are so many ways to now find a perfect frame, but time is limited and choosing a frame does not have to be mentally exhausting. Our team works with frame companies directly to create a collection worthy of your viewing. Our team is trained in identifying features that complement your complexion and vision needs. Now these services can be provided through our Concierge Consultation program or Virtually!

Our Concierge Service pairs you with our professional eyewear consultants. Schedule an appointment, fill out a simple survey, send us a photo and let us do the rest!

Our team of experts will find eye wear that matches your personality, style and visual needs. It is like having a personal shopper at your disposal!

Utilizing augmented reality and teleconferencing, browsing for new eyewear has never been easier and personable. Our consultants can help fit you in the comforts of your own home or office.

​Once you have narrowed down your choices, simply stop by our office for some measurements and make sure that they fit you!

Virtual Frame Gallery:

​Looking to try on different shapes and colors at the comfort of your own home? Explore our virtual frame try on. With the millions of frames available, virtual try on allows you to explore different styles in the comfort of your own home. Just send us a picture of the styles you chose and we will be able to build an eye wear collection around your tastes! (Not all frames guaranteed to be in stock. Virtual try-on is to be used as a guide for determining style preferences.)

​​​​​​​Step One: Decide your face shape and choose frames that create contrast

Soft/round features - choose a frame style with sharper angles and edges such as geometric, rectangle, square
Hard/angular features - choose frames with softer edges such as oval and round
Oval features - all frame styles can look great

​​​​​​​Step Two: Choosing the color

As a general rule of thumb, you want to choose colors that will help create contrast. For a person with darker skin tones, you want to go with a lighter color and an individual with lighter skin tones, you want to a frame with a darker color.

​​​​​​​Step Three: Complementing your style

There is more to choosing a frame than just color and shape, it has to match your personality and style. Bolder more vibrant colors can accentuate a more free spirited personality. For a more serious look colors such as browns and tortoise shell can convey a greater amount of professionalism. Use three words to describe yourself and we can help guide you in your decision process!

​​​​​​​Step Four: Finding the Perfect Fit

The perfect fitting pair of eyeglasses should center your eyes like a work of art and speak about who you are! After choosing several frames virtually from our catalog, this final step is performed in office with our professionally trained opticians to ensure the perfect fitting glasses. Our team will curate a collection based on your choices virtually as well as taste preferences for you to try on. Simply complete the form below and our opticians will reach out to schedule an appointment once we have a collection curated for you!

See a frame that you like?

Simply send us some information about the frames you like and we can set up a virtual or in person appointment!

    Request Fitting Location *
    Phone Number
    Frame Name and Color #1 *
    Frame Name and Color #2 *
    Frame Name and Color #3 *
    Frame Name and Color #4 *
    Fitting Appointment *
    none 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM 8:30 AM - 4:00 PM Closed Closed 9:00 am - 4:45 pm 9:00 am - 4:45 pm 9:00 am - 4:45 pm 9:00 am - 4:45 pm 9:00 am - 4:45 pm Closed Closed optometrist,1,,, #